Die Initiative Bezahlkarte Stoppen trifft sich alle zwei Wochen Mittwochs um 18:00 zum Plenum im Minirasthaus Freiburg auf dem Grethergelände. Kontakt: freiburg_ät_asylblg-abschaffen.de
Nächstes Treffen: 22.01.25 um 18:00 Uhr

Mail to factions/municipal councilors in the Freiburg municipal council

  • 4 min read
By Maksym Kozlenko - Own work, CC BY-SA 4.0, https://commons.wikimedia.org/w/index.php?curid=60430389

Ladies and Gentlemen

Dear members of the Freiburg City Council,

We are writing to you as the initiative “Stop Payment Card” Freiburg. As an initiative we set We advocate for social rights for everyone in Freiburg and the surrounding area.1

Our fundamental values are solidarity with refugees, an inclusive society, social rights and participation for all people as well as the universal dignity of the People. You certainly agree with that.

We are watching with concern the political developments surrounding the introduction of the Payment card for refugees and the reduction of benefits according to the Asylum Seekers Benefits Act (AsylbLG) from January 2025 by around 5% and thus the further exclusion and racist discrimination against people with refugee experience in our society.

Since October 29, 2024, a decree from the Baden-Württemberg Ministry of Justice2 has been issued to the lower reception authorities, in which the exclusionary conditions of the payment card are formulated. The payment card should then first be used in initial reception centers and will be enforced in the districts from January 2025. According to initial assessments the decree is not binding for the districts. According to Section 2 (4) of the Refugee Admission Act “the lower reception authority is objectively responsible” for the implementation of the AsylbLG. This means that the introduction of a payment card must be carried out in each individual case Benefits authority in Freiburg must be established. The decision about it has In principle, the municipal performance authority has to meet. There is therefore no obligation to to enforce the payment card in Freiburg.

PRO ASYL states in a press release3, “the payment card is a government one created discrimination project and only creates problems for refugees and Municipalities.” Lawyers from the Society for Freedom Rights4 can be found in their FAQs payment card on the restrictions of the payment card and on the encroachments on fundamental rights a:

  • Cash disposal is limited to €50/month
  • The payment card cannot be used for shopping in smaller shops or for flea markets/weekly markets
  • Transfers, online purchases are no longer possible with the payment card & further restrictions.

“The payment card in its restrictive form violates the fundamental right to Ensuring a humane minimum subsistence level. This claim results arises from human dignity in Article 1 Paragraph 1 of the Basic Law and the welfare state principle in Article. 20 Paragraph 1 GG for all people in Germany regardless of their origin, their Citizenship or residence status. The payment card also has one discriminatory effect and violates the right to equality before the law Art. 3 Paragraph 1 GG.” (Point 6 of the FAQs).

We demand:

  • Stop using the payment card for Freiburg!
  • Find out about the payment card and its restrictions!
  • Stand up for social rights for ALL people, against one more Exclusion of those in need of protection!

Our questions:

  • How does your group position itself regarding payment cards and the associated payments? massive restrictions regarding basic rights and equality before the law?
  • Every elected representative in the local council has a political responsibility. Even if the responsibility does not belong exclusively to the municipality If self-government falls, you can politically oppose a racist one speak out about discrimination. Will you oppose the introduction of one? Pronounce payment card?
  • Which values mentioned above do you agree with as a local councilor? Council agree?

We at the “Stop Payment Card” initiative will be present during the public Be present in front of the town hall at the local council meeting on November 26th, 2024 and provide information about the Distribute payment cards and loudly advocate for equal social rights for everyone.

Attached is the open letter dated November 4th, 2024 and the list of Groups that have already spoken out against the payment card.

We would like to hear from you on this very important social issue Theme.

Best regards “Stop payment card” initiative Freiburg

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